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international-datelineby Edgar Allan J. Tac-an

Something very strange and disturbing is happening to public schools in foreign countries.

A Judge in America threatened to jail a school valedictorian if she dared to pray during graduation.

School officials censored and warned to turn off the microphone of a salutatorian’s graduation speech for respectfully thanking his parents and God for the gift of learning.


Every school should have the goal to produce “well-rounded individuals” and “competent young adults,” but today, these schools are producing the opposite.

When ‘God’ is a bad word in school, it is scary and alarming. Reports said, in some public schools in America, student advocates are campaigning for the use of single-color graduation robes for boys and girls to respect transgender students and those who do not identify as either male or female.

Secular authorities in these places are indoctrinating their youth into believing that any choice is valid and should be universally accepted, and that anything one might say in opposition to these new sensibilities is labeled sexist or racist?

Any effort to classify sexes in this age is becoming increasingly difficult if not totally impossible.

Are these things now happening in our own country?  This happens when standards are abandoned and truth becomes subjective.

Do we desire to observe and preserve family values? What are our best options?


Christian Schools? Home schooling?




An inquest is called by the ITF on the Australian senate for the Filipino chief cook and chief engineer who died in questionable circumstances on board the Japanese-owned, Panama-flagged Sage Sagittarius.


The conservative Australian government proceeds to conduct a flag-of-convenience inquiry to deregulate its shipping industry.

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