Barely two days after 10 honest residents received the “Mr Honest” Award last Saturday, another tricycle driver displayed that virtue of honesty when he returned more than P80,000 cash left in his tricycle unit yesterday afternoon.
A radio feature focused on Reynaldo Ingking, driver of tricycle no. 2208 who returned to station DyRD cash amounting to P88,135.00 yesterday afternoon. The honest driver came to the radio station to turnover an envelop containing said amount which he found left in his tricycle unit when he went home to cap another day’s work.
When he opened the bundle, he was shocked to see thousands of pesos which he immediately returned to the radio station past 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. His decision to turnover the found amount was because he could not recall any of his passengers during the day and the possible owner of the amount. The envelop has nothing on it, no name nor address of the owner.
The honest driver told DyRD during an interview that he could not keep a clean conscience if he will not return the found money
Ingking told DyRD that he is earning P200 daily in his tricycle operation and has been driving his tricycle unit for the past 17 years. But despite this meager income, he was not tempted to hold on the P88,135 cash since he knows the owner would be very much worried.
Two hours after the cash was returned to the station, the rightful owner came to the radio station to ask if there was any amount returned. After interrogation by the station’s “Lost and Found” section, the owner Germinia Torres claimed the amount. She recalled that while on her way to the bank to deposit the collection of Norkis, she did not notice that the envelop containing the money fell inside the motorcab. She shed tears in thanking Ingking for such a good deed. She gave Ingking P1,500 cash reward.
It maybe noted that the Bohol Chronicle Radio Corp.just signed last Saturday, a memorandum of agreement with the Brotherhood of Chrsitian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) for a weekly listing in The Bohol Chronicle of honest residents who will return found items to the radio station.