Sex and kids (Part II)

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Sex and kids (Part II)

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Continuing from our previous article, here are some specific questions that children ask about sex and other sexual behaviors and how we are supposed to answer.

Again, the important thing to remember is to be as comfortable as we can be with our answers, stating them as a matter of fact, and sharing them in the context of our values. 

The questions that follow are what most 5-7 year old kids usually ask. 

Where do babies come from? One way by which mommy and daddy show how much they love each other is by hugging each other very close. To be as close as they can be, they hug without any clothes on, and a tiny cell, called a sperm, comes from the husband’s penis and swims up into his wife’s uterus and comes together with one of her eggs. Together these two cells start a baby!


The baby grows inside the mommy’s uterus until it is ready to come out through the mommy’s vagina. The uterus gets bigger as the baby grows, just like blowing up a balloon. Once the baby is born, the uterus gest small again. All of this takes 9 months to happen and it’s an amazing process!

Why do boys have a penis?The penis helps a boy go to the bathroom and pee. And later in life, it helps make babies. Just behind the penis is a sack of skin (the scrotum) and inside are two small, round balls called testicles. It’s always important to show respect for all parts of our bodies and not talk about them in public.

What is sexual intercourse? Sexual intercourse is one way that a husband and wife show each other how much they love each other. You might see a married couple kissing, hugging, and holding hands. But sex is getting even closer together than that. In fact, a husband and wife usually lie together in bed and gets too close that a husband put his penis into his wife’s vagina. But they do this only in private.

What is a vagina? All girls have three openings in their private areas. The first is near the front and allows urine to come out. It’s called the urethra, and the opening is very small. The second one, in the middle is larger and is called the vagina. This allows babies to be born when a woman is at the right age. The third is the anus and that is where poop comes out.

Why do boys don’t have breasts? Boys do have breasts, but they don’t grow like a woman’s breasts. They main purpose of a woman’s breast is to make food for newborn babies. Since boys don’t have babies, they don’t need to make breast milk. That’s why boys have breasts that don’t grow.

How does a baby get inside a mom’s tummy?A baby’s life starts when a dad’s sperm and a mom’s egg join together. This happens when a mom and dad hug close together so that the sperm from his penis goes into her vagina to find her eggs. This tiny beginning of a baby moves into the uterus. The baby will spend about 9 months growing in the uterus before it is ready to be born.


How do babies get out of the mother? After spending 9 months growing inside the mom’s uterus, the baby is ready to be born. The uterus opens up into the vagina, and the vagina is the passageway that the baby comes out of. When the baby is ready to be born, the mom will go into labor for a number of hours. During labor, the mom pushes her baby through the passageway so her baby can come into the world. 


So, there you are. There are still other questions that they will ask and it is our responsibility to answer. Because it is much better that our children learn from us rather than from other influences. And nothing can be liberating for our children than being able to talk about sensitive issues, like sex, with Mom and Dad. 

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