Registration for national ID continues in Bohol

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Registration for national ID continues in Bohol

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Boholanos are encouraged to register for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) or more commonly known as the National ID.

The goal of establishing a national identification system is for the people to have a trusted and verifiable identification that will enable them to participate in the formal financial sector, as well as access employment opportunities and government services.

The PhilSys Fixed Registration Center (FRC) resumed operations last 24 January 2022. It is located at 2F Galleria Luisa Building, Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, and is open from Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM. Meanwhile, Step 2 Registration in the municipalities of Antequera, Baclayon, Candijay, Cortes, Dauis, Loon, Panglao, and Ubay resumed last 03 February 2022 and is conducted from Monday to Saturday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Schedule for other municipalities will be announced later.


Boholanos aged five (5) years old and above may register for the ID at any of the open Registration Centers.

Interested applicants must bring an original copy of at least one (1) of the following supporting documents:

  • Philippine Passport
  • UMID
  • Driver’s License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Voter’s ID/Certification
  • PRC ID
  • Senior Citizen’s ID
  • NBI Clearance
  • Police Clearance
  • Barangay Clearance (with full name, permanent address, birthday, picture, thumbmark/signature)

The full list of accepted supporting documents can be found in the PhilSys official website (

For any questions and concerns, you may send your inquiries through the PhilSys Bohol Facebook page or email (

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