Rob suspect killed for resisting arrest

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Rob suspect killed for resisting arrest

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A man wanted for a robbery case had been shot dead by pursuing cops after resisting arrest.

Police Senior Inspector Jojit Mananquil, chief of the Provincial Intelligence Branch of the Bohol Police Provincial Office (BPPO) said that his team was forced to shot one Jovelito Pojas when the latter drew a caliber 38 revolver and attempted to shoot them.

Pojas, a resident of barangay Mahayahay, Sagbayan, had a standing warrant of arrest for a case of robbery and the PIB team was about to serve it when the suspect resisted.

The PIB team chanced on Pojas at outside Park n Go Bakeshop in the public market area of Catigbian at around 4:30 p.m. on April 15.


The police team confiscated Pojas’ caliber 38 revolver loaded with six live bullets.

They brought Pojas to Catigbian District Hospital, but the attending physician–Dr. Norangel Carreon—pronounced him dead on arrival.

Pojas sustained two gunshot wounds, one on the left portion of his head and another on the left side of the neck.

The PIB team turned over Pojas’ motorcycle to the Catigbian Police Station for safekeeping.(with report from Jan Lemuel Galero)

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