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international-datelineAccording to the experts our planet Earth is on the border of a global water crisis. A new global temperature forecasts 2016 to be more warm than this year which has been declared with a strong El Nino.

Next year’s temperature predicts 1.1C above pre-industrial levels and closer to the 1.5C level that governments pursued to agree upon. There is a very rapid rise over three year’s record in a row. In combination with continuing climate change, the forecasters believe it will lead toextraordinary events we have not seen before.

Drought in various places is only the beginning, accordingly 60% of the earth’s land surface will face disturbing gaps between supply and demand for water.

But against these global water emergency, Israel stands strong. In spite of its difficult landscape and low rainfall it boasts a water surplus that exports to Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jordan.


It mastered in innovations in science and engineering such as drip irrigation, desalination and waste water treatment with effective public water policy and governance.

Israel achieve the world’s most sophisticated water system and a multi-billion dollar water technology export industry.

Its unbelievable water resources is Israel’s “hydro-diplomacy,” its primary tool for opening diplomatic relations with countries around the world.

Environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls Israeli water solutions “a blueprint for the planet.”

This invaluable system is crucial for every country to learnand follow before it’s too late.





Grounds for Maritime and Coastguard detention of ships: – these include non-hygienic sanitary facilities, galley and cold room, dirty sleeping facilities and insufficient provisions, missing fire doors, inadequate emergency equipment and generator, inoperative radar,defective structural conditions etc.


The three C’s of life: CHOICES, CHANCES, and CHANGES. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. (By Edgar Allan J. Tac-an)


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