RDC endorsement for P96M projects

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RDC endorsement for P96M projects

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Bohol pushes forward some P96.973 million worth of projects in support of peace, security and development and proposes for the Regional Development Council (RDC) in Central Visayas to endorse the lump of projects for funding to at last four concerned national agencies.

The lump of projects, 17 of them came out during various consultations with communities from the different towns in Bohol as facilitated by the Community Development Project (CDP) teams Purok Power Movement (PPM) or Prosperity Teams.

It may be recalled that the concerted efforts of Local Government Units, national government, civil society organizations, peoples’ organizations successfully mounted a unified effort to oust the hounding problem of insurgency, not much by the military force, but by directing the fight to alleviating poverty and creating jobs.

To maintain Bohol status as conflict and insurgency-free province, the Provincial Government ensured open lines of dialog between government and the populace through the deployment of CDP PPM teams, especially to distressed areas.


From these dialogs, consulted communities identified priority development projects that they believe could end the resorting to armed conflicts by opening up the tables for talks and negotiations.

After a series of validation and community workshops, development authorities identified four potential government agencies which Bohol could tap for funding support and have endorsed them to the Provincial development Council, according to Provincial Planning and Development Officer Atty John Titus Vistal.

Identified for Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) funding are the construction of concrete rubble and masonry with apron river dike to solve the flooding problems of Barangay Casbu, Guindulman town, the construction of a box culvert in Kauswagan Trinidad, construction of concrete water tank reservoir in Purok 7 proper and Purok 7 Annex in Barangay san Vicente, Bongbong and Kauswagan, also in Trinidad, as well as the contruction of a one-storey evacuation center cum multi-purpose building in Tambongan Candijay towns.

The four projects cost as much as P9.364 million, the request for RDC endorsement proposal states.

For the Department of Agriculture, proposed by Bohol for RDC endorsement are the improvement of 8.44 kilometers farm to market road in Pangpang, Ubay, the opening of a new 2-kilometer San Jose Mabini road and the opening and improvement of 2.43 kilometer Sua FMR in Inabanga as well as improvement of the 3 kilometer Montesuerte Carmen barangay road.

Also asking for DA funding are the improvement of a 2.73 FMR in San Jose Mabini, concreting and improvement of the 8.05 kilometer Sto Nino barangay road in Sto Nino, Talibon, another 6 km concreting of Sto Nino FMR and the improvement of the 2.5 barangay road in Villafuerte Carmen.


Still proposed for RDC endorsement to DA funding are 2.7 km concreting project for Faraon, Jagna FMR and the construction of a solar drier and pavement in Kauswagan (Purok 7 Matin-ao and Purok 6 Buenasuerte as well as Purok 1 in Tambongan Candijay.


These 10 projects rack up a total of P74.759 million.

For the Department of Education, Bohol peace team proposes for funding the construction of 3 classroom buildings for Panaghiusa, San Vicente and Bongbong all in Trinidad, and another 2 classroom 1 storey building in San Vicente of the same town.

All of these totals P11.650 million, according to the proposal presented during the second quarter RDC held at the Bohol Tropics Resort here.


From the Department of Social Welfare and Development, Bohol intends to tap assistance for the construction of a P1.2 million Day Care Center in Kauswagan, Trinidad.

According to the Bohol PDC which endorsed the projects, these are necessary to support and sustain the peace and socio-economic development in these vulnerable areas, by preventing the resurgence of arm conflict and insurgency.


The RDC on the other hand indulged in the move and successfully endorsed as proposed, the project for funding from the respective agencies. (rac/PIA-7/Bohol)

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