Bringing businessmen and professionals to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ remains to be the main thrust of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) which local chapters marked yesterday their 23rd year anniversary.
Manila based advertising executive Joey Avellana, BCBP national president stressed that the mission of the community is to transform the face of business with Jesus’ values and compassion. He echoed the call of bringing Christ to the market place since businessmen are considered as among those that bring influence in the society.
Avellana led the BCBP national leadership during their monthly meeting held last Friday at the Bohol Tropics Resort. He admitted that Bohol being known as one of the best destinations in the country, became a highly favored venue for the joint meeting of the Board of Trustees (BOT) headed by Chairman Roy Calleja and the management committee (MANCOM) which he leads as president. Past presidents Louie Morales and Manny Jimenez attended the meeting as well. Businessman Alberto Uy is in the board to represent the Visayas.
Joey and wife, Lulu were the sharers during the grand anniversary breakfast yesterday which highlighted the 23rd anniversary. The couple recalled how they anchored their faith in God in their journey.
During an interview with The Chronicle last night, Avellana hinted other upcoming advocacy especially with the forthcoming election which is crucial for the country’s future.
Avellana said that since the business sector holds a pivotal role in the country’s economy, then the right of suffrage is something “sacred” in the hearts of every BCBP member.
He congratulated the local BCBP chapters which are gaining grounds in fulfilling the strategic evengelization targeting the business and professional sectors.
Meanwhile, the “Be Honest” advocacy continues to be a prime undertaking. Yesterday, 10 well meaning residents who returned found items to station dyRD were given the “Mr. Honest Sulundong Gawi” Awards. They received sack of rice, P1000 gift certificate from Our Deli Bread, P1000 from Bohol Chronicle Radio Corp., and P2000 from City Mayor Baba Yap. The awardees were Eleuterio Sumond-ong, Adriano Estaca, Janet Macias, Marilou Tajantajan, Jose Millan, Jr., Kim Doroy, PO1 John Butch Epile, Glendo Pasco, Rolando Jabay and Elmer Bullecer.
Yesterday’s breakfast fellowship was graced by members of BCBP North, South, Talibon, Ubay, Tubigon and Jagna.
Prior the breakfast was a Thanksgiving Mass officiated by Fr. Cecil Lobregas and Fr. Joseph Sklelton, Jr.
Upon arrival last Friday, the MANCOM-BOT met with the governance team of the chapters/outreaches at the soon to open Belian Hotel while a fellowship with the senior leaders (past chapter heads) was held last night to cap the two-day visit.