AL (artificial intelligence)

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AL (artificial intelligence)

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international-dateline“Killer robots” – AL (artificial intelligence) is the recent subject of many discussions at the United Nations’ committees, and the possible prohibition on the use of specific kinds of autonomous weapons.

Many scientists and tech experts cautioned about the dangers of autonomous weapons. They warned that “a military Al (artificial intelligence) arms race is a bad idea.” The risk played by artificial Intelligence is a cause of alarm; AI could grow too strong for people to control.

More than 90 countries now operate such systems, and the USA remains the prime market for Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). US defence department says that “unmanned systems continue to hold much promise for the war-fighting tasks ahead”. US drones have now dropped more bombs than NATO planes did in Kosovo in 1999.

Ret. General Michael Flynn, of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) said, “When you drop a bomb from a drone… you cause more damage than good.” There should be a different approach, it is a failed strategy, he said.


In Afghanistan, the drones’ very presence alarms the people, the uncertainty of not knowing whether they could attack at any moment had a negative psychological effect on them.

Al could develop to the point beyond human control, its possibility has to be stopped or we be overcame.



The rivalries and deep differences of the Muslim tribes, ethnic communities and Christian groups in Mindanao remain a big problem of our government. According to retired army Gen. Joseph Sevilla, the proposed Bangsamoro basic law (BBL) in its present form though not acceptable by several sectors should not stop the Aquino administration from exploring other ideas and means to bring peace in the south.



A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. (By Edgar Allan J. Tac-an)


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