DOLE BOHOL/NCMB holds a seminar to enhance workplace relations in Bohol

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DOLE BOHOL/NCMB holds a seminar to enhance workplace relations in Bohol

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DAUIS. In line with the mandate of the National Conciliation and Mediation Board to promote a peaceful labor-management relations at the workplace, the Board conducted a seminar on, “Enhancing Workplace Relations Thru Pro-active Plant-level Program”, on August 18, 2015 at Bohol Plaza Resort, Dauis, Bohol.

Through the convergence of the Department of Labor and Employment-Bohol Field Office employees and NCMB 7, the seminar was materialized. Almost 50 representatives of both HR department and employees from the different companies participated the event.

NCMB 7-Supervising LEO Rene Sabornido gave a short overview about the seminar and its importance. She also cited different scenarios about workplace issues their office had encountered to prepare the participants before the presentation proper begins.

OIC German A. Guidabeninitiated the first discussion. He talked about the Family Welfare Program. Family Welfare program refers to the program promoted by DOLE that provides family welfare services to workers, as described under Department Order No. 56-03.He highlighted the need of caring for the welfare of the workers as well as their families.” I know that few of the establishments here in Bohol already handed over the FWP checklist to our office”, he added. Prior to this seminar an FWP Orientation was conducted by DOLE Bohol Field Office last June 5, 2015 wherein FWP checklists were distributed. He also called the attention of the establishments who received the checklists but did not pass as of yet. OIC Guidaben made it clear that FWP is mandatory in establishments with more than two hundred (200) workers.


The succeeding topics were Pro-Active Programs for Enhancing Workplace Relations, Basic Concept of Productivity and Employees Compensation Benefits. These topics were discussed to accordingly supplement the participants’ knowledge and skills on labor relations.

This activity aims to further inform and update the companies of the governing rules implemented by the Department of Labor and Employment. The National Conciliation and Mediation Board also strive to materialize their vision in enhancing harmonious relationship in every workplace. (By Hadassah Pizaña/BFO)

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