Men riding tandem shoot woman inside sari-sari store in Carmen

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Men riding tandem shoot woman inside sari-sari store in Carmen

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A female vendor was shot inside her sari-sari store by an unidentified suspect in Sitio Sentro 2, Carmen early this morning.

According to the initial investigation of the Carmen police, Mercidita Dano, 40, was inside the store when two men wearing bonnets onboard a motorcycle suddenly stopped and one of them shot the victim.

The assailant and his companion immediately sped away towards an unknown direction after shooting the victim.

Dano sustained gunshot wounds in her shoulder and neck. There was only one bullet but the single shot that hit her shoulder went through it and straight to her neck.


The victim was rushed to the Governor Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital in Tagbilaran City where she is currently still being treated by doctors.

Authorities are to conduct further investigation to identify the people and motive behind the shooting. (with reports from Allen Doydora)  

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