Bohol PNP to start drug clearing ops in villages

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Bohol PNP to start drug clearing ops in villages

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The Bohol Provincial Police Office (BPPO) will start to conduct drug clearing operations in barangays following its implementation of Oplan Double Barrel Alpha, a police official said.

According to BPPO chief of community relations Senior Insp. Vincent Paul Dumaguing, the series of operations will start in January next year.

Dumaguing told DYRD Balita on Thursday that the initiative would entail the assessment of barangays which have been successful in their anti-drug drives by being drug-free.

For now, there have been no official proclamation from the BPPO confirming claims of being drug-free made by several municipalities.


Areas can be officially declared drug-free when Barangay Anti-drug Abuse and Municipal Anti-drug Abuse Councils file resolutions confirming that illegal drug activities have been eradicated.

Operations by the Dangerous Drugs Board need to be implemented and each drug personality in an area must also surrender to authorities, Dumaguing said.

A barangay will not be declared drug-free if even if there is only a slight indication of presence of drug personalities in the village, he added.

Police station chiefs have been given chances to continue conducting Oplan Tokhang before the barangay clearing operations commence next year. (Allen Doydora)

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