No smoking ban violations in Bohol, so far —PNP

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No smoking ban violations in Bohol, so far —PNP

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No person has been arrested so far in Bohol for violating the nationwide smoking ban implemented on Sunday, said a Bohol Provincial Police Office (BPPO) official.

Senior Insp. Paul Dumaguing of the BPPO operations branch told DYRD Balita that Camp Dagohoy has not received reports from police stations across the province on persons arrested for smoking in public.

According to Dumaguing, local government units were tapped to strictly impose the smoking ban or Executive Order (EO) 26 with the police’s support and enforcement.

LGUs have been directed to put up designated smoking areas in their respective cities and towns, he said.


Meanwhile, the BPPO’s Community Relations Branch, in particular, was tasked to disseminate information on the EO’s implementation, he added.

In Camp Dagohoy, the BPPO is also set to assign smoking areas for its personnel.

The same measure will be implemented in police stations in Tagbilaran City and municipalities, said Dumaguing.

Other establishments are also required to provide designated smoking areas and display “No Smoking” signs.

Under the EO, persons caught smoking in public areas will be fined P500 to P10,000.

Sale of cigarettes near schools and other areas frequented by children is also prohibited as stipulated in the order. (R. Tutas)


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