Police are facing a blank wall as to the motive and suspect in the killing of an Army reservist who was on-duty as a security at a school in Catigbian as he was gunned down early Friday.
According to the Catigbian police, they are still conducting a follow-up investigation to identify the suspect in the shooting to death of Pedro Paña, who was also an active barangay tanod (watchman).
Paña’s lifeless body which sprawled face-down was reportedly found at around 5 a.m. in front of the Haguilanan High School.
He had a gunshot wound in his chest and was drenched in his own blood, police said.
Authorities pointed out that the shooting was likely carried out between 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. on the same day.
They also admitted to have been taken by surprise by Paña’s killing as he had no prior records with the police and had no known links to illegal activities.
He was a law-abiding citizen with no known enemies in the community, police said.
Meanwhile, authorities continued to scour the crime scene’s vicinity for possible witnesses who could shed light on the mysterious killing. (ad)