Former cabinet secretary and now-gubernatorial candidate Leoncio Evasco, Jr. said that President Rodrigo Duterte himself will take action against Provincial Administrator Alfonso Damalerio II for his alleged involvement in the drug trade.
“Ang sulti nako karon, Ae Damalerio, maghulat ka sa unsay himuon ni Presidente sa imoha ug imong mga kauban na nagpayuhot og droga diri sa Bohol,” said Evasco on Sunday. “Maghulat ka sa imong sentensya karong pila ka-adlaw.”
The statement was issued two days after Damalerio challenged Evasco on Friday to “produce evidence” of his involvement in the narcotics trade in Bohol.
While in Hong Kong to meet Boholanos early last week, Evasco had reportedly accused Damalerio of being “behind drugs in Bohol.”
Evasco later denied making the allegation himself as he noted that he only “saw the report.”
“Dili man lang ako ang naghingan ni Ae Damalerio. Tungod lang ba kay ako politiko, iya kong gihagit? Dili baya ako ang iyang gi-hagit. Ang iyang gi-hagit ang Presidente sa Pilipinas,” Evasco said.
“Ika-duha, ang iyang gihagit aning nia, ang naghimo sa maong report. Dili man ako ang naghimo sa maong report. Nakabasa ra ko sa maong report na gipa-abot sa Presidente,” he added.
However, Damalerio’s statement made no mention of Duterte and was solely directed at Evasco.
Damalerio challenged Evasco to substantiate his allegations within the month.
While Damalerio was adamant for Evasco to prove his claims before February 28, the former Cabinet secretary and long-time Duterte ally did not specify when Damalerio’s “sentence” would be meted out.
“Hulat siya ni Presidente. Tungod kay ang among report tua man ni Presidente na. Karon ba ng semanaha, sunod bulan ba na, panahon ba na sa kampanya, o human ba na sa kampanya o human na, na mo-linkod na ang tanan na kandidato. Hulat ka ana, Ae Damalerio,” Evasco said. (A. Doydora)