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DENGUE is the cure for Dengue. That is our experience. But before we go into that, let us be clear about one thing. This corner is an opinion column, not a medical journal. We do not give medical advice. We merely share experiences; and since they are based on our own personal experience, it is true and it is empirical, experiential.

We have had a child in our clan who died of dengue fever in the 1990s. We have a family tradition of spiritual healing. But all that the healer-members of our family tried on the child failed in that instance. We still believe in spiritual healing. But we trust doctors we know personally, too.

The little girl in our clan who died of dengue in the 90s was not brought to the hospital on time. We were not yet familiar of this mosquito-borne virus then. Her parents thought it was just the usual fever. When we tried to heal her, she was already bleeding, and died a few days later.

We have learned a bit more since then. That was more than 20 years ago. Other members of the family have had the same symptoms of dengue fever. And these are what helped us:


DRINKTawa-tawa concoction. For infants, we used droppers. Five drops only of the concoction every thirty minutes. Today, the Department of Health itself has recognized the effectiveness of this herb.

ENERGIZE your body with fresh air, potable water and fresh natural juices. We heard a local physician himself who kept repeating the importance of this advice. Healthy liquid is very important in dengue. Dehydration is one of its threats.

NEVER ignore symptoms and doctor’s advice. Do not trust in superstition. Trust in the results of laboratory tests. If you have all the symptoms, such as high fever, rashes, headaches, muscle pains, and vomiting, go for medical help. Listen and follow the doctor’s advice.

GOD always listens to prayers. Never forget to pray. We did not invent our lives. It is God-given. He may not always give what we ask for, but He always gives us what is best for us. Everything comes from Him. For some people this may sound superstitious. We respect that. We also apologize for the gender bias.

USE all available helpand facilities. When you notice the symptoms, go to the nearest health center. If there is none nearby, use your cellphone. Call or text for help, even from the Barangay Health Worker. Most likely, she knows a doctor or two.

EAT apples. Do not just eat the apple. Peel off the skin first. Then, scrape the flesh, and wait until it turns brown (or oxidized). Eat as much as you feel like eating.


 D. E. N. G. U. E. It worked for us. Perhaps for you, too?


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