A 52-year-old man and his two sons were apprehended by anti-narcotics police operatives for sale and possession of illegal drugs in Inabanga on Friday night.
The trio was arrested through a buy-bust operation in Barangay Tungod, Inabanga.
Police said that the arrested drug personalities Rodulfo Lofranco, Sr. and his sons Roland, 29, and Rodulfo, Jr., 23, all residents of Tungod were working together in the illegal drug trade.
Members of the Inabanga Police Station’s Drug Enforcement Unit set up the operation after Roland was allegedly spotted selling illegal drugs near their residence.
Roland was the target of the operation and his father and younger brother were with him when it was carried out.
Police allegedly found in their possession sachets of shabu worth an estimated P2,040.
All three Lofrancos are now under police custody.
Roland will be facing charges for sale and possession of illegal drugs while Senior and Junior will be charged for possession. (wm)