Man slits wife’s throat, stabs her to death in Jagna

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Man slits wife’s throat, stabs her to death in Jagna

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A man slits the throat of his wife and then stabs her to death Thursday night in Barangay Can-upao, Jagna town.

The victim, identified as Melissa Salamanca, 31 years old, died on the spot after her own husband Ronito Salamanca, 32, cut her throat before mercilessly stabbing her to death.

Police investigation revealed that the victim suspected her husband of molesting their own eldest daughter, while the husband-assailant on the other hand, accused the victim of having an amorous relationship with another man.

The circumstances led to fights and altercations between the couple.


On the night of the incident, Melissa was reportedly having a drinking session with a neighbor at the latter’s house, when Ronito suddenly arrived at around 11 p.m. armed with a knife and went straight to cut his wife’s throat and then stabbed her to death.

According to P/Maj. Joseph Berondo, chief of Jagna Police Station, Ronito’s horrible assault of his wife may have been fueled by jealousy and the anger over his wife’s accusation that he was molesting their own daughter.

According to Berondo, the assailant Ronito was a surrenderee during the government’s anti-illegal drug campaign “Oplan Tokhang.”

Ronito is presently detained at the Jagna Police Station while charges for parricide and child abuse are being prepared to be filed against him. (KB, RT)

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