A 68-year-old man was allegedly hacked to death with a bolo by his son following a heated argument at their home in Carmen town on Saturday afternoon.
The fatality, identified as Cipriano Mangaron, died on the spot after sustaining multiple wounds when he and his son Roel, 49, figured in a bolo fight at their shared house in Barangay Montevideo, said Staff Sgt. Elmer Tabio of the Carmen Police Station.
Roel who was also injured with wounds in his head and all over his body was rushed to the hospital for treatment.
According to Tabio, Roel was initially scolded by his mother Amalia for drinking at an early hour which then led to the argument between him and his father.
“Nasukmatan sa iyang inahan na nganong hing inom. Mao tong hitabua na nagkasinumpaki ang inahin ug kining suspetsado mao hing duol ang amahan…mao na to nag isig bunot sila sa ilang hinagiban,” said Tabio.
Roel has been discharged from the hospital and detained at the Carmen Police Station.
Authorities on Tuesday filed before the Bohol Provincial Prosecutor’s Office a parricide charge against Roel. (C. Remolador with AD)